Business Process Agility
Aligning people, processes and technology through business agility, collaboration and customer insights to best position your organisation to strategically and effectively respond to change.
Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Key Benefits of this training include:
- Aligning people, processes and customers within your organisation
- Positioning your processes to accelerate business responsiveness
- Investigating and measuring how agile your organisation actually is
- Streamlining processes effectively through collaboration
- Building organisational change capability into your organisation
- Harmonising your business goals with the appropriate technology
Why this training is crucial for your organisation :
In a recent study over 4,000 senior executives from the private and public sector were asked about the main economic challenges that they expect to face in the coming years. Most believe that less emphasis will be placed on the products and services offered by an organisation.
Of greater significance will be how quickly they can place themselves to deliver those products and services to customers and how flexibly they respond to market changes. Business and Process Agility is about organisations being equipped with agile, adaptable, flexible processes that can respond quickly to change, be it an upturn or downturn in the economy, changes in legislation or new technology.
Quite simply, the better equipped an organisation is to respond to these changes, the more successful it will be. This training is facilitated by a renowned Business Process Management guru who will lead you in making the shift towards transforming into an agile.
Who should attend?
- Vice Presidents and Directors of Quality Management and Continuous Improvement
- Management and staff who select, direct or coordinate their organisation’s improvement and quality efforts
- Quality Managers and their teams
- Business analysts
- Project Managers
- Process Managers