Pipeline Integrity Management
Integration of the concepts covered in this training is aimed to achieve a measured approach to Pipeline Integrity Management. This five-day course for engineers and piping system designers reviews the key areas associated with pipeline integrity management, including the inspection technologies, defect assessment methods, and non-destructive Testing (NDE).
Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil or natural gas over states or even country. In order to extend its life expectancy, maintenance task has become more important nowadays. On top of that, pipeline operation risks can be very high depending on how effective an organisation is in maintaining its pipeline transportation or transmission systems. Even the slightest defect on pipeline surface can bring great amount of oil and gas leakage. This is also the main reason why explosion and fire accident rates are increasing rapidly in the world. It will clearly put human lives at risk, pollution concern to the environment as well as bring damage to millions dollars worth of property and asset. Companies will not only lose in terms of money, but they will also lose their reputation and stand the risk of paying a great amount of compensation for asset damages. This fact shows how important pipeline maintenance is for every industrial organisation. It is definitely a necessity for a pipeline professional to keep learning and be aware of the updated pipeline maintenance and integrity issues to ensure a more efficient and safer as well as profitable pipeline operation environment.
Pipeline life expectancy can be very long up to 40 years. Therefore, maintenance task at this stage becomes very important and for sure it cannot be neglected at all in order to have a high reliability pipeline distribution system especially for those aging pipelines. Furthermore, practitioners are always asked to look for more cost saving maintenance alternatives to avoid over spending on daily maintenance duties. Only by learning from the industry expert, your staff will be able to know how to save more money and maintain or even increase your pipeline system reliability simultaneously. During this 5- day workshop, you will be able to learn more on corrosion defect detection and assessment, different types of protective coating and protective system, development of Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS), intelligent pigging (Smart pig) inspection levels and In-line Inspection (ILI) programme.