10th - 15th August 2015
NAF Conference Centre & Suites, Abuja, Nigeria
The increasing complexity and inter-connectedness of Generation, Distribution and Transmission industries and the renewable energy infrastructures pose new challenges for secure, reliable management and operation.
The power generation in Nigeria is low resulting to poor supply for both business and residence.
Many areas are not metered resulting to estimated billing. New business owners in Nigeria are suffering due to low generation, old transmission networks which thus result in power losses.
Thins conference titled the "5 -Day MBA in Power, Electricity & Industry Infrastructure" presented by a collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Power Nigeria and the International Institute of Human will look at avenues for managing power losses, as well as developing strategic plans to revitalizing and repositioning the transmission, generation and distribution plants
Does your job require you to fully understand the technology and language of these sectors? Do you need to evaluate various fuels and renewable energy as well as costing, profitability and strategy?
The conference is designed to bridge gaps in your knowledge and provide you with genuine business advantage. It’s most useful for non-technical people, new entrants, senior managers needing a big-picture refresher, as well as professional advisors to the sector.
Packed full of case studies, hands-on exercises, best-practice examples and real-life experiences, this mini-MBA will give you the right tools to make your role in the power sector so much more effective.
Published On :
Monday, June 15, 2015