Practical Approaches towards Basel Implementation
Equipping Senior Bank Management with the tools necessary for effective implementation of a watertight framework for Basel across their organisations.
The developments at the Banking Industry for International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards continue to present issues for firms to deal with. Over the past decade, banks and banking systems globally have dealt with the challenges of implementing Basel I and Basel II. During the next several years, they will be intensifying efforts to meet the requirements of Basel II, II.5 and III, encompassing the most recent reforms by The Basel Committee (Committee) to the Basel Accord.
Basel II, II.5 and III represents the next phase in the Committee’s ongoing efforts to strengthen global capital and liquidity rules to achieve a more resilient banking sector. The significance and comprehensiveness of reforms set forth by the Committee aim to incorporate lessons learned from the recent financial crisis, especially related to the loss of confidence in the solvency, capital adequacy, and liquidity of banking institutions, which extended quickly not only throughout the financial system, but also ultimately through the economy at large, resulting in a contraction of liquidity and credit availability.
The implementation of Basel I has being a key driver for the refinement and maturation of risk management frameworks in financial institutions worldwide. However, the arrival of Basel II, II.5 and III signals an unprecedented “raising of the bar” for risk management practices to support the comprehensive nature of the new requirements.
The main objective of this training solution is to guide the implementation team throughout the different stages of the Basel Implementation process, no matter what is your organisation’s current situation. We will be providing unbiased, independent and strategic advice to enable individuals/organisations to make sensible and informed decisions regarding Basel II, II.5 and III implementation. This has proved invaluable to many organisations internal decision making processes/strategies concerning Basel, resulting in substantial financial and operational benefits.
This Human Capital Development programme is designed to achieve the following goals:
• Explore and overcome the challenges in ensuring a holistic
implementation of Basel II, II.5 and III requirements.
• Strengthen your counterparty risk mitigation framework through a
holistic implementation of the Basel III guidelines.
• Implement the Basel II, II.5 and III international framework for liquidity
risk measurement, standards and monitoring.
• Examine the introduction of countercyclical capital buffers and the
implications for your financial institution.
• Successfully develop your risk modelling methodologies in compliance
with Basel II, II.5 and III.
• Scrutinise the new Basel III definitions of capital and capital quality and
the implications for your institution’s capital allocation and management